Today Garage Door Services | Serving Chandler, Phoenix, Scottsdale, Tempe, Arizona Phoenix Garage Door Repair Sun, 02 Mar 2025 22:27:11 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Today Garage Door Services | Serving Chandler, Phoenix, Scottsdale, Tempe, Arizona 32 32 Got Dents? A Guide To Repairing Garage Door Dents Sun, 02 Mar 2025 22:27:10 +0000 Have you discovered dents in your garage door and not sure how or if you should repair these? The goal of this article is to help you identify if the dents can be repaired yourself at home and if so, give you DIY tips on repairing those dents. While every dent is unique, it’s important […]

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Have you discovered dents in your garage door and not sure how or if you should repair these? The goal of this article is to help you identify if the dents can be repaired yourself at home and if so, give you DIY tips on repairing those dents. While every dent is unique, it’s important to not “bite off more than you can chew” and ruin your door.

Can I Repair Myself?

Identifying whether you can successfully repair a dent is somewhat subjective, but we have a couple recommendations. If the dent is NOT at the seam of two panels and is smaller than the diameter of a quarter, you should be able to repair yourself. There are exceptions including a “through and through” – the interior of the door is cracked or extends into the seam of two panels.

Should you notice the dent falls into one or both of those exceptions, you will require professional service as the structure of the door is likely compromised. Luckily, we’re able to assist. Give us a call today for service! 

Mesa AZ door repair project 5

Repairing Dents

Dents smaller than the diameter of a quarter usually are fairly easy to repair if done correctly. First method would be to pull the dent out, which usually fixes ~90% of dents. You can find many different suction devices online or at local retailers, just make sure whichever device you go with is compatible with your door’s material. Follow the instructions and your “dent puller” should be able to gently pull your small dent out. 

Second method if that does not work, would be to gently use a structurally firm and flat object and push the dent out from the inside. Do not pound or use excess force as this can cause micro-dents around the one you are working. If you scratch the outside of your door while fixing the dents, you may want to paint the area.  You can pick up a paint guide from a local retailer to ensure you get the right color. 


Key things to keep in mind would be to identify where the dents are located and identify the severity. “Through and through” dents, dents along a seam, and dents larger than the diameter of a quarter would require a professional. All others, you should be able to repair from home. As mentioned, give us a call today if you cannot repair yourself or are not comfortable doing so. 

Having other issues? Look at our other resources for potential help

The post Got Dents? A Guide To Repairing Garage Door Dents appeared first on Today Garage Door Services | Serving Chandler, Phoenix, Scottsdale, Tempe, Arizona.

Why is My Garage Motor Beeping? Mon, 24 Feb 2025 03:12:10 +0000 Are you noticing a beeping sound coming from your motor? Even if it doesn’t seem like a big deal, it can get annoying and might be a warning for more issues. There really are only two main reasons your motor would be beeping – issues with one or both sensors or your motor battery may […]

The post Why is My Garage Motor Beeping? appeared first on Today Garage Door Services | Serving Chandler, Phoenix, Scottsdale, Tempe, Arizona.

Are you noticing a beeping sound coming from your motor? Even if it doesn’t seem like a big deal, it can get annoying and might be a warning for more issues. There really are only two main reasons your motor would be beeping – issues with one or both sensors or your motor battery may need to be replaced soon. Luckily, you’ll likely be able to fix both issues yourself. We’ll walk you through the two most likely causes and a step by step guide to resolve each of them to help relieve the headaches.

Garage Door Sensor Issues

Occasionally your motor will beep when one or more sensors are blocked. Simply ensure both are free of blockage, where both have a clear line of sight to one another, and clean any debris from the sensor’s surface with a damp towel. It’s important to remember to never spray any chemicals directly onto the sensor as fluid can seep into the electrical components. 

Still Beeping? You likely have an electrical issue with one or both sensors and likely require a replacement. Luckily, we can take care of this! Give us a call today for a sensor replacement the same day you call us! 

garage door sensor not working

Low Motor Battery

Another culprit of your beeping motor could be a low battery. Replacement is usually very simple and won’t require a professional to replace. Most motors have a similar battery placement and we’ll walk you through a quick step by step guide on how to change out the battery. 

NOTE: To order a replacement battery, you can find your exact model on either the manufacturer’s website or Amazon.

  1. Disconnect the power
  2. Locate the cover that holds the battery (usually on the backside of the motor)
  3. Grab the appropriate Phillips or flat head screwdriver to remove the cover
  4. Carefully slide the battery out and disconnect the wires
  5. Grab your fresh battery, connect the appropriate positive/negative wires, and slide the battery in the same way as the one you removed
  6. Reattach the cover and reconnect the motor to the outlet
garage door motor that has a low battery

Following these steps should stop the beeping if a low battery was the issue. If the beeping continues after you checked/cleaned the sensors and replaced the battery, give us a call and we’d be happy to come out and assist. 

Having other issues? Look at our other resources for potential help

The post Why is My Garage Motor Beeping? appeared first on Today Garage Door Services | Serving Chandler, Phoenix, Scottsdale, Tempe, Arizona.

How Long Do Garage Door Springs Last? Sat, 15 Feb 2025 22:16:42 +0000 There are two main styles of garage door springs – extension and torsion springs. Each spring style has their own lifespan that can be shortened or extended based on a couple factors. Factors include usage, how the springs are made, how they are installed, and how often you have maintenance performed. Let’s explore each:  Extension […]

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There are two main styles of garage door springs – extension and torsion springs. Each spring style has their own lifespan that can be shortened or extended based on a couple factors. Factors include usage, how the springs are made, how they are installed, and how often you have maintenance performed. Let’s explore each: 

Extension Springs

Typically, extension springs should last roughly 10,000 cycles. Typically these springs will last between 2-5 years depending on usage. This also falls in line for the life expectancy of the coiled steel that is used to make these springs.

When extension springs are installed, they must have equal force being exerted on one another as there is a spring on each side of the door. Otherwise one will be under increased stress – thus shortening your spring system’s life expectancy.

Poorly installed extension springs can drive the lifespan down to 1-3 years, which is why it’s important to have a true industry expert do the install, like us here at Today Garage Door Services. 

broken door bracket

Torsion Springs

While more expensive, torsion springs last much longer – typically between 15,000-20,000 cycles or 5-10 years. We highly recommend going with torsion springs over extension springs due to the increased life expectancy, but they also are much easier to install above the door and ensure equal force is being exerted on each side.

In addition, there are both standard and oil-soaked springs. Oil-soaked springs typically require less frequent maintenance as they tend to stay lubricated longer than the standard springs. Similar to the extension springs, the install can affect the life expectancy.

While torsion springs are installed as one system above the door, ½ the system focuses on the left side and the other ½ focuses on the right. Both must have equal force being exerted on one another otherwise this system will fail much sooner than the 15,000-20,000 cycles. 

garage door properly counterbalanced and working


Ideally, we recommend lubricating extension springs quarterly or semi-annually depending on usage and recommend lubricating torsion springs semi-annually or annually. In addition, we recommend having a professional come out for the maintenance, but if you self perform, make sure you use white lithium grease and avoid any water based products at all costs. Give us a call today to schedule maintenance. 

Whether you have extension or torsion springs, the typical lifespan is simply a range and can be impacted due to the factors we listed. Key takeaways would be to ensure you are having regular maintenance performed (depending on the style of your spring system and that your usage will directly impact the system’s lifespan. With installs, ensure you are having a trusted professional perform the work and with maintenance, we recommend the same to ensure you’re adhering to the maintenance schedule + ensure proper lubrication. Give us call today for a spring install, upgrade, or install! 

Having other issues? Look at our other resources for potential help

The post How Long Do Garage Door Springs Last?  appeared first on Today Garage Door Services | Serving Chandler, Phoenix, Scottsdale, Tempe, Arizona.

How Do Garage Door Springs Work? Sat, 08 Feb 2025 20:52:11 +0000 There are two main types of springs – extension springs and torsion springs. While both are used to assist in the operation of the garage door, extension springs are mainly a thing of the past and torsion springs are now more common. Let’s explore both and how they work.  Extension Springs Extension springs are older […]

The post How Do Garage Door Springs Work? appeared first on Today Garage Door Services | Serving Chandler, Phoenix, Scottsdale, Tempe, Arizona.

There are two main types of springs – extension springs and torsion springs. While both are used to assist in the operation of the garage door, extension springs are mainly a thing of the past and torsion springs are now more common. Let’s explore both and how they work. 

Extension Springs

Extension springs are older and many garage door experts have recommended against these in modern garages for a few reasons. These springs are located at the top corners of the door and are tightly wound to assist each side with opening/closing evenly.

8 Chandler Spring Job

They are under intense strain consistently both when opening the door as well as when the door is closed. These tend to stretch out much quicker as a result of the constant strain at both ends. While cheaper and seemingly easier to install, extension springs may end up being more of a hassle in the long run as you likely will need more frequent maintenance or replacement. 

Torsion Springs

Torsion springs are the way to go in 2025. These springs last much longer than extension springs and are located discretely along the top of the door – distributing equal force to each side of the door while encased in a single piece of equipment. These springs will last much longer, usually 5-10 years depending on use, with only occasional maintenance needing to be done.

1 Chandler Spring Job

In addition, these are much safer as the springs are built around a shaft that will make sure there are no fragments dispelled in the event the spring fails. Extension springs tend to be a hazard in the event of a spring failure as they are not built to contain the metal fragments when they fail/explode. 

Overall, torsion springs are the way to go as they are safer, more cost effective in the long run, and more discrete. Here at Today Garage Door Services, we will never recommend extension springs due to the hazard they may become when they fail and are not the better long term option. 

Need Assistance?

We have additional information on how to determine when to replace your springs as well as what a replacement looks like. Whether you’re looking to upgrade your current spring system or need routine maintenance performed we’re here to help! Give us a call 

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The post How Do Garage Door Springs Work? appeared first on Today Garage Door Services | Serving Chandler, Phoenix, Scottsdale, Tempe, Arizona.

Lubrication – A Guide To A Properly Lubricated Garage Door Mon, 03 Feb 2025 20:25:17 +0000 Having a properly lubricated door is essential for your garage door to work properly. Proper lubrication will extend the life of your equipment by decreasing the wear and tear, which ultimately will save you money in the long run. In addition, your garage door will operate much quieter with proper lubrication.  Decreased Wear and Tear […]

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Having a properly lubricated door is essential for your garage door to work properly. Proper lubrication will extend the life of your equipment by decreasing the wear and tear, which ultimately will save you money in the long run. In addition, your garage door will operate much quieter with proper lubrication. 

Decreased Wear and Tear

Springs, rollers, and hinges each require proper lubrication in order to extend their life span. Each component is in use every time you open or close your door. Both the springs and hinges are made of metal that are usually soaked in oil during the manufacturing process and will dry out without being consistently lubricated.

Rollers with bearings will require lubrication, and if you do not have these currently, we recommend upgrading to either steel rollers with bearings or ideally nylon rollers with bearings to reduce the frequency of replacement. 

Smooth Operation

Un-lubricated components can cause operational issues including loud noises and excess force being exerted on the motor. In addition to decreasing the wear and tear of your equipment, proper lubrication will ensure your door operates quietly and efficiently – reducing the likelihood you experience a lopsided door or broken component.

Signs it may be time to lubricate your components include a loud screeching noise when opening and closing, usually from the springs or hinges or a grinding noise coming from the rollers. 

What Shouldn’t I Lubricate?

Really the only piece of equipment that is regularly in use that you SHOULD NOT lubricate would be the door tracks. If you lubricate the tracks themselves, the lubricant can cause a build up of debris as well as solidify if there is excess lubricant built up in one area.

5 Chandler Spring Job

Instead, just make sure to clean the tracks with a damp towel or rag and fully dry as well. We recommend cleaning the tracks when you lubricate the other components or on an as-needed basis (whichever comes sooner). 

How Often Should I Lubricate?

At minimum, we require lubricating your components twice a year. Lubricating every 6 months is the industry standard, but don’t hesitate to bump that up to every 4 months (3 times a year) if you have older equipment or the door is getting increased use. 

What Should I Use To Lubricate?

Before recommending the best lubricant, let’s go over what NOT to use. Likely you may assume WD-40 is the answer for lubrication, but in reality, you should never use this product on your door. WD-40 is actually meant for cleaning rust off metal and will strip the components of any lubrication, causing metal and metal contact. There are many garage door lubricants out there, but the best would be white lithium grease. Industry wide, this is the most recommended product for lubrication of garage equipment. 

Overall, lubrication is essential in extending your equipment’s lifespan and having a quiet experience. Key takeaways include: 

  1. Lubricate at least every 6 months with white lithium grease
  2. Never lubricate the door tracks. When you clean them, make sure to dry completely. 
  3. Never use WD-40 on any components

Need lubrication assistance? Give us a call today!

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The post Lubrication – A Guide To A Properly Lubricated Garage Door appeared first on Today Garage Door Services | Serving Chandler, Phoenix, Scottsdale, Tempe, Arizona.

Why Choose Today Garage Door Services? Mon, 27 Jan 2025 01:17:24 +0000 Are you looking for a garage repair service and not sure which company to choose? Look no further than Today Garage Door Services. There are several reasons why we have some of the highest Google Reviews in the industry and a near 100% satisfaction rate. Let’s go over a few benefits of choosing us over […]

The post Why Choose Today Garage Door Services?  appeared first on Today Garage Door Services | Serving Chandler, Phoenix, Scottsdale, Tempe, Arizona.

Are you looking for a garage repair service and not sure which company to choose? Look no further than Today Garage Door Services. There are several reasons why we have some of the highest Google Reviews in the industry and a near 100% satisfaction rate. Let’s go over a few benefits of choosing us over the rest. 

Response Time

We are always on standby for a call or text from someone requiring a garage repair, thus you can expect getting someone on the line immediately. If you submit an online request through our Google Business Page or through our website, same idea. We get notified immediately and will respond as we receive it. With other companies, they may have non-garage experts handling the request from the office which may lead to your questions not being answered or you getting transferred multiple times before getting an appointment set or your question answered.

As mentioned, with TGDS you will get an expert on the line the first time who will be able to set an appointment around your schedule and answer any questions or concerns you may have beforehand. TGDS is unmatched when it comes to response time. 

Flexible Scheduling

It’s in our name! TODAY Garage Door Services. We can get out to you the same day you require the service. Most other companies require you to schedule in advance for a future date which can be frustrating considering most issues arise completely out of the blue. We also have the flexibility to schedule you for a future appointment if your need is less urgent, such as routine maintenance, upgrades, and enhancements. 

Our goal here at TGDS is to be ready to assist you both TODAY and TOMORROW! Give us a call today to schedule routine maintenance or a repair. 

Flexible Scheduling review

Fair Pricing

Pricing is likely one of, if not the most, important factor when choosing someone for your garage door repair/maintenance. We are 100% transparent with our pricing up front and will NOT recommend unnecessary upgrades or charge more than a fair price for labor. Most other companies have an excessive amount of overhead and tend to offset that amount at the expense of the customer with egregious labor costs, inflated material costs, and long repair times. 

Recently, we completed a job for a customer after another company attempted to complete a necessary repair. The company had charged 4x the amount we would have AND made the repair incorrectly where we had to come out and fix the issue.

Save yourself the trouble and give us a call to ensure the work is done right the first time and is done at a fair price! 

Fair pricing review

Quality of Service 

When it comes to service, Today Garage Door Services is outmatched. From the moment you reach out through the end of the job, you can expect top notch service. Don’t just take it from us! Read from our happy customers:

We’re Here to Help

If you recently have had an issue with you garage door or think you might have a similar issue, give us a call or fill out a form for a spring and or drum replacement today! We can help get your garage door back to working condition. Need another service? We also offer multiple other garage door repair services and can help get your door repaired the same day you give us a call!

Having other issues? Look at our other resources for potential help

The post Why Choose Today Garage Door Services?  appeared first on Today Garage Door Services | Serving Chandler, Phoenix, Scottsdale, Tempe, Arizona.

What Does a Garage Door Spring Replacement Look Like? Tue, 21 Jan 2025 01:24:33 +0000 Recently, we have had a few customers in the Greater Phoenix-Metro Area experience issues with their garage door springs and we ended up completing spring replacements for them. Since we have began to notice this being an ongoing theme with our recent calls, we thought we’d show you guys what a basic spring replacement looks […]

The post What Does a Garage Door Spring Replacement Look Like?  appeared first on Today Garage Door Services | Serving Chandler, Phoenix, Scottsdale, Tempe, Arizona.

Recently, we have had a few customers in the Greater Phoenix-Metro Area experience issues with their garage door springs and we ended up completing spring replacements for them. Since we have began to notice this being an ongoing theme with our recent calls, we thought we’d show you guys what a basic spring replacement looks like so you can understand what the issues were and how we helped get these garage doors back working properly. 

Garage Door Spring Job Backstory

We received a call from a customer who was experiencing a broken garage door spring system that was causing counterbalance issues with their garage door. This is a common call we receive here at Today Garage Door Services and in this case, we were able to successfully replace the broken Wayne Dalton Torquemaster with a high cycle standard torsion shaft with external springs

Before Garage Door Spring Replacement

Cable Under Pressure

When we got to the location, the garage door cable was under intense pressure and so much so that it became unwound. When this happens, it can be extremely dangerous as garage door spring can “explode”, acting as a metal whip flying through the air potentially causing damage or hurting those that are in the garage at the time.

Right Spring Failed

We also realized that the original door did not have a centralized spring system which caused the individual right side garage door spring to fail as the door was not properly counterbalanced. When garage doors aren’t properly counterbalanced, it causes one side to experience more “weight” causing it to wear faster and eventually break or need replacing.

Garage door that isn't properly counterbalanced and not working

Right Drum System Failed

When all of the above happens, it causes the right side drum system to fail and then caused the cable to spin around the horizontal bar, no longer tightly bound and unable to help lift the garage door back in place.

garage door drum system failed and not working

After Garage Door Spring Replacement

Centralized Spring System Installed

Once we got to work on the garage door, you can now see there is now a centralized spring system along with the properly wound drum systems on the left and right. The door is now properly counterbalanced with equal tension on both sides of the door allowing both sides to lift the door “equally”.

garage door centralized spring system and working

Cables Perfectly Wound

You can see an oversized right side drum that has the cables perfectly wound around it. The inside and outside rings are larger than the spool which will help keep the cables tight and decrease the chances they unwind.

garage door cables perfectly wound and working

Properly Counterbalanced Door

This is the centralized high cycle spring system. This is paramount in keeping the door properly counterbalanced as it distributes equal tension to both sides of the door. 

garage door properly counterbalanced and working

We’re Here to Help

If you recently have had an issue with you garage door or think you might have a similar issue, give us a call or fill out a form for a spring and or drum replacement today! We can help get your garage door back to working condition. Need another service? We also offer multiple other garage door repair services and can help get your door repaired the same day you give us a call!

Having other issues? Look at our other resources for potential help

The post What Does a Garage Door Spring Replacement Look Like?  appeared first on Today Garage Door Services | Serving Chandler, Phoenix, Scottsdale, Tempe, Arizona.

Top Common Garage Upgrades Wed, 15 Jan 2025 02:27:01 +0000 Looking to upgrade your garage to include some of the latest technology? There is a wide range of different features you can take advantage of to enhance your garage. Features can include a smart garage door opener, internal wireless amenities, and even entertainment! Let’s dive into each.  Smart Garage Door Opener There are various brands […]

The post Top Common Garage Upgrades appeared first on Today Garage Door Services | Serving Chandler, Phoenix, Scottsdale, Tempe, Arizona.

Looking to upgrade your garage to include some of the latest technology? There is a wide range of different features you can take advantage of to enhance your garage. Features can include a smart garage door opener, internal wireless amenities, and even entertainment! Let’s dive into each. 

Smart Garage Door Opener

There are various brands out there that offer smart openers, but there are two that we here at Today Garage Door Services recommend above the rest. Those two are the Chamberlain myQ Garage Smart Control and the Genie Openers with Aladdin Connect. 

phone app to open garage

myQ Opener

The myQ openers by Chamberlain are a great tool to have access to your garage wirelessly from your phone or car. Features include guest access for up to 5 people, allow you to give access to delivery drivers, ability to use the opener in your vehicle, and ability to control lighting and or cameras in or around the garage remotely.

Aladdin Connect

Genie’s Aladdin Connect has fewer features than the myQ and is great for users who simply need remote access from their phone including the ability to set specific times to have the garage door open or closed. You’ll also be able to grant guest access for family and friends as well as for delivery drivers

Wireless Amenities

Just like your home, garages can be equipped with various smart features including a digital thermostat and lighting. The most common wireless thermostat we see and recommend would be the Google Nest as it’s fairly easy to install + connects to the very user friendly Google Home app. For lighting, Chamberlain offers myQ Lighting which is what we recommend, especially if you already have a myQ opener as the lights can be controlled with the same app. In addition, Chamberlain offers cameras that can also connect to devices that are logged into your myQ account.  

Both products are extremely user friendly and will save you $ in electricity as you can set custom schedules when these features are running while being able to manually control when you’re away from your garage. 


Depending on the size of your garage, you may explore different entertainment options. Whether you like to kick back and relax in your garage or have enough space to work on your own vehicles, we have a couple recommendations to upgrade your garage. 


If you plan on spending extended periods of time in your garage, why not have a TV inside? The specific brand and size would depend on your personal preference. If you’re going to mount the TV, make sure you or a professional installer fixes the mount to a stud in the wall to eliminate the risk of the mount dismounting from the wall. In addition, make sure you get a TV that can withstand the temperatures inside the garage, especially if you do not have control of the interior temperature. 

garage that has a tv


On the same token as the TV, many people enjoy having a sound system in their garage. We recommend installing a fixed shelving system for each speaker, again, fixed to a stud if possible. Having the speakers spread out in the garage is always recommended to enhance the listening experience, with most people having 1 in each corner for a surround sound experience. Same as the TV, the size and brand will depend on personal preference, just make sure the speakers are kept within the correct temperature range according to the product manual. 


If you already have or plan to have a television and or a sound system, you may want a fridge and or freezer as well. If you plan on using a fridge/freezer regularly, we recommend getting a dual-use product that will satisfy both needs. If you only need a freezer for excess storage, we recommend an open-top chest freezer which may take up less space compared to a fridge/freezer hybrid. With either option, make sure you get one that’s in line with your garage’s electrical capacity. 

We’re Here to Help

If you’re looking to upgrade your garage, we hope you found this article helpful. While we here at Today Garage Door Services specialize in garage repair and maintenance, we see more and more garages equipped with various smart features and entertainment so we thought we’d share the most common products. We always recommend to ensure any necessary repairs and routine maintenance have been completed prior to addressing any upgrades or enhancements to your garage space. Due for maintenance or need a repair? Give us a call today! 

Having other issues? Look at our other resources for potential help

The post Top Common Garage Upgrades appeared first on Today Garage Door Services | Serving Chandler, Phoenix, Scottsdale, Tempe, Arizona.

Should I Replace My Garage Door Motor? Sun, 12 Jan 2025 22:28:31 +0000 Many people take their garage door motor for granted as it works consistently for an extended period of time, often for decades before experiencing any issues that would make you need to repair or replace it. Once your garage motor slows down or stops working completely, it comes out of nowhere and can be a […]

The post Should I Replace My Garage Door Motor? appeared first on Today Garage Door Services | Serving Chandler, Phoenix, Scottsdale, Tempe, Arizona.

Many people take their garage door motor for granted as it works consistently for an extended period of time, often for decades before experiencing any issues that would make you need to repair or replace it. Once your garage motor slows down or stops working completely, it comes out of nowhere and can be a bigger headache at that moment than you might realize. Instead of waiting for this moment to happen and you not having a garage door that works (possibly closing in a vehicle or not allowing one in), it’s best to be on the look out of signs that it’s time to replace your garage door motor. In this article, we’ll go through the 3 main signs it may be time for a new motor. 

3 Signs it’s Time to Upgrade Your Garage Door Motor

Shuts Off Completely

If your garage door motor shuts off and will not turn back on or restart, the motor may have an issue where it’s no longer receiving the power needed to operate correctly. You can first try to reset your motor along with unplugging and plugging back in to determine if it’s an issue with the motor not receiving power. Another cause could be fried internal components. Older models usually cannot keep up with the power demand, causing the motor to work harder and harder – ultimately causing a shortage of electrical components. 

Slow or Weak Pull

You may notice a screeching or grinding noise when opening and closing your garage door which normally happens when there is excess demand on the motor, which will cause the door to open and close slowly. Eventually, the excess strain on the motor will cause the motor to shut off and not work at all. This could be incredibly dangerous if it shuts off during a cycle as it could collapse causing injury or damage which we always want to avoid. Should you notice a slow or weak pull by the motor, or any peculiar noises, it may be time for an upgrade as this is a sign it’ll likely shut off completely soon.  

Flickering Lights When Using

In addition to a slow or weak pull, your garage door motor lights may flicker when the motor is under increased stress from working to lift the door or lower it slowly. Both the light for the garage, as well as the small light(s) on the back of the motor may flicker. This should be an immediate warning sign it may be time for a motor replacement. The longer the flickering continues, the higher the chance of an electrical or mechanical failure.

garage door motor that the lights are flickering


The typical garage door motor will last between 10-15 years and sometimes last as long as 20+ years. Here at Today Garage Door Services, we recommend a replacement or upgrade every 10 years to make sure you don’t experience a mechanical or electrical failure during use. In addition, you will want to ensure the motor is keeping up with the current power demand especially if you get new springs, cables, tracks, or a new garage door.

We’re Here to Help

We hope we were able to assist in helping determine the source of the air leak. We understand it is frustrating having an issue that isn’t able to be identified easily. Again, should you determine you need a seal replacement or total door replacement, give us a call today! 

Having other issues? Look at our other resources for potential help

The post Should I Replace My Garage Door Motor? appeared first on Today Garage Door Services | Serving Chandler, Phoenix, Scottsdale, Tempe, Arizona.

Why Won’t My Garage Stay Warm? Sun, 22 Dec 2024 10:21:31 +0000 Have you discovered your garage suddenly feels cooler? Are you noticing the contents of your garage are cold to the touch? This article will walk you through the 4 main causes and solutions to make sure the garage is properly temperature regulated.  4 Reasons Why Your Garage is Cold Broken Garage Heater Some owners have […]

The post Why Won’t My Garage Stay Warm? appeared first on Today Garage Door Services | Serving Chandler, Phoenix, Scottsdale, Tempe, Arizona.

Have you discovered your garage suddenly feels cooler? Are you noticing the contents of your garage are cold to the touch? This article will walk you through the 4 main causes and solutions to make sure the garage is properly temperature regulated. 

4 Reasons Why Your Garage is Cold

Broken Garage Heater

Some owners have a separate heating system that may be inside their garage, which we recommend checking first. To determine if your heater is working properly:

  1. Adjust the thermostat up 10 degrees
  2. Come back after an hour and see if you notice a difference
  3. If the temperature feels the same or cooler, it may be time to replace your heater
  4. If you do notice an increase in temperature, it may be one of 3 things which we’ll discuss further. 

Compromised Door Seal

Damaged or compromised seals can cause temperature regulation issues with your door. We wrote a blog about specific reasons why your garage door seal might be compromised, it might help with diagnosing the problem a bit more closely.

In summary, inspect the seal both when the door is wide open and closed. Check for cracks, holes, any spots where it’s uneven, etc. If you notice any issues with it, it may be time to replace that seal, which we can change out for you, just give us a call! 

Compromised Window Seals

Many people forget the windows on their garage door have seals, which just like the door seals, can eventually become ineffective. In rare cases, the seal around the windows can cause air to get through the border of the window.

To check if this is the issue, close the garage door and run your hand along the back of the window. Should you feel air coming through, you likely will need the window or windows replaced. We don’t specialize in garage door window install or replacement, so we’d recommend calling the door manufacturer directly and ask what they recommend for glass replacement. 

1 job 1 Spring Repair

Crack in Door or Foundation

Hopefully this isn’t the cause of your garage not staying temperature regulated, but it is possible. Physical cracks in the door or foundation definitely can lead to major insulation issues. Once you determine your heater is functioning (if you have one) and make sure the seals are not compromised, inspect every spot along the door, walls, and ceiling for any cracks, soft spots, or holes. If you notice an area or areas where you can feel cooler air coming through, you will likely need that spot patched, insulated again, and sealed off.

We recommend finding a certified contractor for any work involving the drywall, foundation, or ceiling. For the door itself, head to your local home improvement store and an associate will be able to assist. Let them know you’re looking to seal a crack/hole in your door plus the door material and they should be able to assist. 

We’re Here to Help

We hope we were able to assist in helping determine the source of the air leak. We understand it is frustrating having an issue that isn’t able to be identified easily. Again, should you determine you need a seal replacement or total door replacement, give us a call today! 

Having other issues? Look at our other resources for potential help

The post Why Won’t My Garage Stay Warm? appeared first on Today Garage Door Services | Serving Chandler, Phoenix, Scottsdale, Tempe, Arizona.
