Recently, we have had a few customers in the Greater Phoenix-Metro Area experience issues with their garage door springs and we ended up completing spring replacements for them. Since we have began to notice this being an ongoing theme with our recent calls, we thought we’d show you guys what a basic spring replacement looks like so you can understand what the issues were and how we helped get these garage doors back working properly.
Garage Door Spring Job Backstory
We received a call from a customer who was experiencing a broken garage door spring system that was causing counterbalance issues with their garage door. This is a common call we receive here at Today Garage Door Services and in this case, we were able to successfully replace the broken Wayne Dalton Torquemaster with a high cycle standard torsion shaft with external springs.
Before Garage Door Spring Replacement
Cable Under Pressure
When we got to the location, the garage door cable was under intense pressure and so much so that it became unwound. When this happens, it can be extremely dangerous as garage door spring can “explode”, acting as a metal whip flying through the air potentially causing damage or hurting those that are in the garage at the time.

Right Spring Failed
We also realized that the original door did not have a centralized spring system which caused the individual right side garage door spring to fail as the door was not properly counterbalanced. When garage doors aren’t properly counterbalanced, it causes one side to experience more “weight” causing it to wear faster and eventually break or need replacing.

Right Drum System Failed
When all of the above happens, it causes the right side drum system to fail and then caused the cable to spin around the horizontal bar, no longer tightly bound and unable to help lift the garage door back in place.

After Garage Door Spring Replacement
Centralized Spring System Installed
Once we got to work on the garage door, you can now see there is now a centralized spring system along with the properly wound drum systems on the left and right. The door is now properly counterbalanced with equal tension on both sides of the door allowing both sides to lift the door “equally”.

Cables Perfectly Wound
You can see an oversized right side drum that has the cables perfectly wound around it. The inside and outside rings are larger than the spool which will help keep the cables tight and decrease the chances they unwind.

Properly Counterbalanced Door
This is the centralized high cycle spring system. This is paramount in keeping the door properly counterbalanced as it distributes equal tension to both sides of the door.

We’re Here to Help
If you recently have had an issue with you garage door or think you might have a similar issue, give us a call or fill out a form for a spring and or drum replacement today! We can help get your garage door back to working condition. Need another service? We also offer multiple other garage door repair services and can help get your door repaired the same day you give us a call!