Garage Door Blog
Why Won’t My Garage Stay Warm?
Have you discovered your garage suddenly feels cooler? Are you noticing the contents of your...
Garage Door Cables: Function, Importance, and Replacement
Garage door cables are essential to the performance of your garage door. They ensure your door...
Why is my Garage Door Stuck Open?
Did you just discover your garage door won’t close after opening? We receive many frantic phone...
Why is my Garage Door Remote Not Working?
Did your garage door remote suddenly quit working? Does your remote require multiple presses for...
Guide to Maintaining Your Garage
We all want to extend the life of the things we own and it should be no different when it comes to...
Garage Flooring – Which Is Best For Me?
Are you in the market for a new garage floor but not sure what your options are? We've all been...
New Garage Construction – A Guide To Choosing The Ideal Garage Door
Is building a garage in the plans for your next project? Whether you’re looking to take down your...
Garage Door Has Power, But Isn’t Working?
Are you experiencing issues with your garage door opening, even though you know it has power?...
The Importance of Garage Door Seals
Many people overlook the importance of the garage door seal and underestimate the impact a damaged...