How Does Weather Affect My Garage Door? 

Sep 27, 2024

Here in the desert, the weather tends to be predictable with the same weather patterns year over year. While you may not consider weather to be much of a factor on the wear and tear of your garage door, it can actually be a pretty big factor. There are different components that will wear more or less given the particular weather event. 

We will go through a couple exterior garage door components given various weather conditions to assist you in deciding if it’s time for an upgrade, replacement, or install

Garage Door Seals

There are different seals you can use for your garage door depending on what your goal is: keep the heat out? Leave no residue behind? Save as much $ as possible? The 4 major seals are the Brush, Bulb, Vinyl, and Rubber bottom. 

damaged broken garage door seal

Brush Seals

Brush seals are great for keeping dust out and light rainfall. Minimal sealing capabilities which may cause your HVAC to run harder to keep your garage cool.

Bulb Seals

Seals in the cold and keeps out the heat better than a standard rubber seal. Prone to crack under extreme constant heat.

Vinyl Seals

Great for high heat, stable weather conditions. High winds, debris may crack this causing issue.

Rubber Seals

Most common, least expensive. Likely need to be replaced regularly, but inexpensive. Less protection than bulb style.


Should your garage have windows, they definitely can be impacted by weather. According to Glass Genius the thickness can vary as it “depends  on the user’s preferences, weather conditions, and type of glass. However, the standard single-pane tempered replacement glass for garage door windows could be 1/8”, 3/16”, and 1/4” in thickness”. Here in the valley, we really only get severe weather part of the year and the hail is rarely large enough to break glass. We would recommend either the 3/16” or ¼” thickness to ensure they don’t shatter. Other weather conditions such as extreme heat, blowing dust, rain, etc. should not affect the windows if they’re installed properly.

Garage Door Material

The climate here in Arizona can also affect your garage door differently depending on the style of door you have.

Steel Doors

Steel is great for the weather here in the valley as it’s durable and has the most curb appeal. Couple drawbacks: dents from hail, scratches from blowing debris, may have poor insulation, especially with an old weather strip.

Wood Doors

Wood is most certainly the most cost effective option. These really are only recommended in specific climates as they swell during monsoon season and will crack when they dry out.

Fiberglass or Aluminum Doors

If you need a door that responds to weather well, but don’t want to spend the money on a steel door, fiberglass or aluminum may be an option. Couple things to consider as these can crack under intense heat (make sure they aren’t facing direct sunlight throughout the. Also, the paint will fade quicker on these doors vs the wood or steel doors.

Garage Door Frame

The outside frame of your door also can be affected by weather. Frames are usually wood (most common), aluminum or steel and each has their pros and cons. 

Wood Frame

Most visibly, the paint of your door frame wil fade with the amount of sunlight we receive here in the valley. Standing water is the most damaging element here in the valley. It’s paramount to ensure your gutters are consistently clear and make sure no debris is around the door that could pool water.

Wood is the most common frame material as it’s cost effective and easy to repair/replace.

Aluminum Frame

Most garages here in the valley do not utilize aluminum considering the lack of moisture. However, these may be added for aesthetic purposes. Aluminum tends to scratch and dent easily, so it’s important to be extra cautious when pulling in and make sure any branches are trimmed near the door.

Rarely is aluminum recommended here in Arizona. If you want an alternative to a wood frame, it would just be worth it to upgrade to a steel frame. 

Steel Frame

By far the most durable and has the most curb appeal. They are usually scratch resistant and sturdy upon light impacts (touch when pulling in, light hail, small branches, etc). Rust and corrosion can occur overtime, but considering the lack of rainfall/moisture, you won’t likely see any issues for quite some time. 

Steel is by far the most costly option, but by far the most attractive and most durable. If you are concerned with saturation, value curb appeal, or have extra room in your budget, steel framing would be your best bet! 

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