Garage Flooring – Which Is Best For Me? 

Oct 30, 2024

Are you in the market for a new garage floor but not sure what your options are? We’ve all been there, just like trying to choose the ideal garage door, and that’s why we wrote this article, so we can help make this decision a bit more simple for you. A few things to consider would include appearance, durability, and stain resistance. We’ll walk you through each below.


Owners of classic cars, sports cars, or those who tend to service their own vehicles tend to consider highly of the appearance of their floor compared to the average garage owner. Whether it be for photos, videos, or simply to impress visitors, there are a wide range of flooring options to cater your specific needs. 

The most customizable option for your flooring to enhance the appearance would be tiling. Tiles for your garage floor can include any solid color or pattern you desire. Our friends at Garage Flooring LLC provide options here. (insert link)

When your priority is appearance, you may sacrifice durability as most tiling options are not as durable or stain resistant as other material. 


Should you be using your garage frequently and not just for excess storage, durability should be taken into consideration. Durability would include the ability to respond well to normal wear and tear including various weather conditions.

According to Express Flooring, the most durable option would be concrete flooring, polished if possible. This option does have the best response to wear and tear and changing weather conditions. We highly recommend this option if you are in an area that experiences extreme temperatures (both high and low) or experiences a lot of precipitation (both rain and snow). 

The drawback here would be appearance as options are limited and not as sleek as some of the custom tiling options. 

floor of a garage

Stain Resistance

Owning an older car has its benefits whether it’s the lower monthly payments, having no payments at all, inexpensive maintenance, etc, but you may notice small fluid leakage from either the A/C unit, power steering, or exhaust from time to time. If this is the case, you will want to make sure your flooring is both stain resistant and easy to clean.

Epoxy flooring typically offers the best stain resistance and is able to be cleaned easily. Routine maintenance is required for this option including cleaning stains immediately. Cleaning products that are intended for epoxy flooring specifically are a must as normal soap-based cleaners can leave an ugly haze that is difficult to remove

You may experience more wear and tear than polished concrete flooring, but with routine maintenance, you should be able to maximize the life of the floor. Customization is limited, but possible depending on the provider. 

floor of garage door


Appearance, durability, and resistance to stains are all considerations you should have when choosing your garage flooring. Options include tiling, polished concrete, and epoxy with each having their own benefits and drawbacks. Your number 1 question may be the cost associated with each option. We chose not to dive deep on those as each can vary drastically depending on which provider you choose for the material as well as who you choose for install. 

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