Why Won’t My Garage Stay Warm?

Why Won’t My Garage Stay Warm?

Have you discovered your garage suddenly feels cooler? Are you noticing the contents of your garage are cold to the touch? This article will walk you through the 4 main causes and solutions to make sure the garage is properly temperature regulated.  4 Reasons Why...
Why is my Garage Door Stuck Open?

Why is my Garage Door Stuck Open?

Did you just discover your garage door won’t close after opening? We receive many frantic phone calls from customers who have found themselves in this scenario. This issue could be a result of many things, most of which can be fixed easily. Let’s explore the the most...
Why is my Garage Door Remote Not Working?

Why is my Garage Door Remote Not Working?

Did your garage door remote suddenly quit working? Does your remote require multiple presses for it to work? Either of these occurrences may seem sudden, but just like all other equipment, your remote has a set lifespan. Let’s explore a few issues and how you can fix...