Have you discovered dents in your garage door and not sure how or if you should repair these? The goal of this article is to help you identify if the dents can be repaired yourself at home and if so, give you DIY tips on repairing those dents. While every dent is unique, it’s important to not “bite off more than you can chew” and ruin your door.
Can I Repair Myself?
Identifying whether you can successfully repair a dent is somewhat subjective, but we have a couple recommendations. If the dent is NOT at the seam of two panels and is smaller than the diameter of a quarter, you should be able to repair yourself. There are exceptions including a “through and through” – the interior of the door is cracked or extends into the seam of two panels.
Should you notice the dent falls into one or both of those exceptions, you will require professional service as the structure of the door is likely compromised. Luckily, we’re able to assist. Give us a call today for service!

Repairing Dents
Dents smaller than the diameter of a quarter usually are fairly easy to repair if done correctly. First method would be to pull the dent out, which usually fixes ~90% of dents. You can find many different suction devices online or at local retailers, just make sure whichever device you go with is compatible with your door’s material. Follow the instructions and your “dent puller” should be able to gently pull your small dent out.
Second method if that does not work, would be to gently use a structurally firm and flat object and push the dent out from the inside. Do not pound or use excess force as this can cause micro-dents around the one you are working. If you scratch the outside of your door while fixing the dents, you may want to paint the area. You can pick up a paint guide from a local retailer to ensure you get the right color.
Key things to keep in mind would be to identify where the dents are located and identify the severity. “Through and through” dents, dents along a seam, and dents larger than the diameter of a quarter would require a professional. All others, you should be able to repair from home. As mentioned, give us a call today if you cannot repair yourself or are not comfortable doing so.